Friday, March 27, 2009

Now What

Well I officially completed my student teaching today and it was a happy/sad moment, but now its back to work and actually getting a decent pay check YAY! Anthony got a job at a t mobile corprate store which should be good...good benefits and good pay. Now I need to start my senior project that is due in a week and a half. Wish I would have started that sooner, but I procrastinate everything. I have my district interview on the 6th of april and im so nervous! After that I can start applying and I hope I get a job soon because I am stressing over it. I sure am going to miss the kids I was teaching, I really don't see how teachers do it every year. Well im getting off work now and im going to go enjoy my weekend so i hope you all do the same!


Sam and Mandy Noel said...

It feels so good to be done with Student Teaching doesn't it? It's crazy when you don't have to think about homework and all the stuff you have to get done for school. Life gets a lot less hectic, at least for me anyway. Congrats on finishing! And trust me, as this year is about to end, I am wondering the same thing. How in the world am I going to send my kids off to second grade and get a whole new batch. I love the ones I have and don't want any other ones. I don't know what I'm going to do. They sure don't prepare you for that. You are going to love teaching though. I know you are going to be a sweet teacher.

Sara said...

I just want to say congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is so great you have finished. You will do GREAT in your interview, don't stress , you will pull it off. Good luck with your project, I heard those are a pain!

Tyler and Lacey said...

Wow that is crazy that you are almost done with the whole thing...time flies. Good luck with the project and your interview. You will do great!

Seth & Kirie said...

Congrats Abs! I am jealous...if I'd quit changing my major maybe I'd be done, too! You're going to be a great teacher :)

Lenard said...

wow your done already time flew by so fast. Congrats, that is exciting!!

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

Congrats, that is awesome. I'm sure it feels great to be done!