Friday, November 21, 2008


So I haven't had time to post for a while. My brother shawn and sis in law lorena had their twin baby girls on Nov. 6th. They were both 6lbs. wow lorena looked amazing, i can't believe she had two babies that big in there. They are adorable and doing great. Their names are Izabella Robyn and Gesenia Rosa. gesenia was able to come home with momma and Izabella is still at primary childrens but is recovering wonderfully. I am so lucky, i have three new nieces that are absolutely perfect to go along with my other three perfect nieces. I will post pictures when i have more time.

Today was my last day of student teaching until Jan. and honestly I am sad. I really love those kids and the Dayna (the teacher whos class im in)Even though they are long days and i have no time to just take a breath, i love it. Anthony quit his job and got another one, well actually 2 so that I can quit my job for student teaching next semester. He is the best and is definitely making my life easier by helping me out.

1 comment:

Sara said...

yay for more free time! well at least for a little while. I guess enjoy the holidays and time off of work while you can. You are an awesome Auntie!