This is one of my favorite pictures! My two boys sleeping on the couch. We got rid of our other dog finally and I am so happy. I really love our dog Ralphy, but with two dogs our house was a wreck.
Anyway I just wanted to do a little post on my wonderful husband. He is so amazing and does absolutely everything for me. I swear his main goal in life is to make me happy. It is so weird to me because I have never had someone spoil me 24/7. I am just so thankful for all the little stuff he does for me like he always brings me stuff home just to suprise me and goes shopping with me (i hate shopping) and helps me find the cutest things and then buys them for me because he knows I hate spending money and won't buy them for myself. and on top of all of the stuff he does for me he works at a job that he really doesn't like and works his butt off so that I don't have to work and can get my schooling done. I do still work, but I don't HAVE to and when I start student teaching I'm not going to be able to work hardly at all. The thing about the whole situation is I know how bad he wants to finish school so he can get a job that he loves to do and he took last semester off so he could pay for my ring and never said a word to me, even though I gave him so much crap for not going to school last semester he just took all of my "bitching" and never once said that he took the semster off so he could use the money he would have paid for school with to buy me a ring. I did eventually find out and I felt horrible, but he just tells me that being married to me is the most important thing to him. He is so excited to start back up this semester and wants to take a ton of classes, but isn't so that he can work more and I can finish. Sorry I know i am going off and probably don't make sence, but this has been bothering me because school is coming up and we have been discussing the whole situation. Anyway Anthony is just one of those people that LOVES school, he would much rather go to school and learn than work and he is giving that up for me. He is such an amazing person and has the biggest heart. He really would do anything for the people he cares about. I am just so happy that I married him. I can not imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. He makes me happier than i could have ever imagined. Thanks hun I love you!!!!