Constance, Isabella and Gesenia with my hot momma
The older girls Braylee, Avery and Anelie and gma Vest
Then on Sunday my parents had an amazing dinner with my dad's famous ribs. Anthony and I hid some eggs so the girls could have an easter egg hunt (since they were in trouble on sat and couldn't look for eggs)
We then went to anthony's parents and got an easter basket (thank you staci) with a new guide to readng the B.O.M. which i am so excited to start into. After about ten minutes of being there i started not feeling too well. We go home and i go to sleep just to wake up with the worst migrain.. AND once again anthony is the BIGGEST sweetheart and gets up and gets my medicine a cold washcloth and is freaking out trying to get me to go to the er or call my mom. he stayed up all night even though he had to be to work early the next morning just to keep his eye on me...Best husband EVER! anyway it has gradually been dieing off but it was horrible until wed night. So i finally am back to work today and really hope i don't ever have to experience that again.
On another note, my little sister Mckell turned 18 yesterday WOW that is so weird to me, i was just turning 18, now she is going to be off to college in the fall. Crazy how time flies so fast.
I have the best family ever and aren't my nieces the cutest girls ever?!?! boys better watch out!!!
Also I went and saw the puppies adn they are so cute here is a picture.